The only thing worse than a coup is lefty school policy
IT is fair to say that in the current political climate respectful disagreement has becoming increasingly impossible. In America in particular both conservatives and liberals have come to see one another as an existential threat and the insults exchanged on social media reflect that growing schism When Trump was first elected in 2016 I was at that point loathe to overreach and use the "f" word to describe the US President. I mean, sure, he was a fuckwit - crude, corrupt and corrosive - but that didn't in itself make him a latter-day Hitler. Some of that instinct to moderate my response was probably down to my frustration around that time about the increasingly deranged depiction of Corbyn's Labour as being a party one step away from opening gulags in North London. The hyperbole may have reached its height in a bizarre piece of speculative fiction, printed in one of the grottier tabloids, which had the newly-installed Prime Minister Corbyn skulking behind the curtains ...