Why have we memory-holed... Strange?

"IT'S a sort of supernatural whodunnit - only one of them is a demon." That's how nurse Jude Atkins summed up the increasingly disturbing murder mystery at the heart of BBC drama Strange. It's a synopsis she'd have done well to share with The Radio Times when the pilot episode aired a little over 20 years ago. At a time when British TV was especially averse to sci-fi and fantasy shows, comparisons were thin on the ground and critics ran with rather lazy phrases like "the British Buffy." In fact the show owed as much to Agatha Christie adaptations as it did a certain teen drama from the other side of the Atlantic. Uncertainty over the show's target audience and quite how to pitch it meant that while a full series of six episodes followed, in the summer of 2003, that was in fact it for Strange. A cliffhanger ending was left, well, hanging and the programme was quickly forgotten. Which is a damn shame as it remains one of my favourite genre shows an...