Celebrating "the rare wins"
THERE is a wonderful quote from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird about having the courage to fight your corner even when you know "you're licked to begin with." "You rarely win," Atticus Finch tells his children. "But sometimes you do." I was delighted to hear the news this afternoon that one of these against these odds successes had been chalked up locally, with a second-hand bookshop raising the funds it needs to stave off closure. The chances of volunteers making up the five-figure sum in six weeks seemed remote - a "daydream" as they described it today. One would not have blamed the team for simply accepting the charity's decision to shut up shop. No one would have blamed pensioners or young mums or fellow traders along the high street for failing to invest too many hours or pennies in what appeared a lost cause. Yet the donations came in dribs and drabs. Iced biscuits were sold in a local cafe. Schoolkids gave in the name of Wo...