A new chapter - part one

WHEN I first told people last year I was leaving my job as a journalist to take a history degree and the path to a possible new career a few told me it was a "brave" decision. This worried me a tad as someone more sensitive than most to people's choice of words. There is a certain kind of courage which may be labelled "brave" in the same way that leopard print wallpaper is "interesting" and your new neighbour - an enthusiastic taxidermist - "seems nice". And as is obvious to anyone who knows me I'm very much not known as one of life's risk-takers; I'm super careful reheating rice, I steer clear of canoes and I still wear a mask* when I visit the local Tesco. I leave gambling to other people who look better craning over roulette wheels and can at least shuffle a pack of cards. Probably the last bold move I'd made was around 15 years earlier when I decided to leave university to train as a reporter - despite all the advice that...