The Mid-life Crisis of Firetop Mountain
FIGHTING Fantasy - a gateway to geekery for an entire generation - officially marks its 40th birthday this year. It was 1982 that the first instalment in the definitive "Choose Your Own Adventure" series - The Warlock of Firetop Mountain - was published. The gamebook, co-written by Games Workshop founders Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, offered an entry-level RPG experience. It was shield-bashing on a budget (RRP £1.95 - seriously). "Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are you all need," exclaims the rather breathless back cover. The simple mechanics were no doubt reassuring when weighed against the very many models you needed to build a Warhammer army and the hefty set of rules attached to D&D. Twenty years on they also appealed to me when I got my hands on a re-release of the same book, brought out to cash in on the fresh wave of sword and sorcery euphoria in the early noughties. At the time I was only just starting to make friends with a similar interest in ...